
    J. Méndez-Abreu (PI)
    L. Morelli
    L. Costantin
    C. Dalla Vecchia
    D. Rosa-González
    A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres

BEARD is an international effort to provide observational constraints to demonstrate the success or failure of the hierarchical ΛCDM scenario at forming Milky Way-like galaxies. The project was awarded during two consecutive years with an International Time Programme at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory.

The BEARD team is composed of 25 researchers from 6 different countries with a strong background in (1) stellar and gas kinematics, (2) stellar populations, (3) star formation, (4) deep photometry, (5) multi-wavelength observations, and (6) galaxy evolution.


BEARD targets a volume-limited sample of 66 massive bulgeless spiral galaxies in the nearby Universe. Observations include high spectral resolution integral-field spectroscopy using MEGARA/GTC, deep broad-band photometry with the WFC/INT, narrow-band photometry obtained from IO:O/LT, and long-slit low-resolution spectroscopy using DOLORES/TNG and ISIS/WHT.